Description of my app:

I have created a Main Menu scene, where you can interact with the buttons. If you click on the “Play Now” button, you will be able to see the actual game and interact with all the features mentioned in the last project 1. If you click on the “Credits” button, you will be able to see the credits scene where my name will be there. You will also see the “Back” button in the credits scene, where if you click it you will be sent back Main Menu. In the game itself I have added a clock where you will see the real time while playing the game. And the last thing I added was a 60 seconds timer that will turn red when the time hits the 00:00. I hope you find my game interesting.

Feature 4: It is a scene with the title of “Spawn Shapes” and 2 interactive buttons.

Feature 5: Play Now Button will let you play the game, the credits button will show you the creator of the game (me), and in the credits scene you will have another button called "back", which will let you go back to the main scene.

Feature 6: I have added a real time clock that will show you the real time.

Feature 7: I have added a 1-minute timer that will turn red when the time is at 00:00.


Made withUnity

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